Creating a Color Scheme For Your Lawn

5 Landscaping “Best Practices” for Pittsburgh Properties

In general, landscaping is a tricky discipline that varies from region to region based on climate and terrain. There’s a lot that goes into it that many homeowners don’t fully understand. Landscaping Pittsburgh lawns and properties presents its own unique set of challenges that need to be addressed carefully to achieve satisfactory results. Below you’ll find a few good, all-purpose tips that will help you to make the most of your grounds.

Landscaping Services

Optimize Your Grass

As the backbone of your landscaping, the grasses that you choose to implement have a huge impact on the look and feel of your lawn. Landscaping Pittsburgh lawns successfully requires the proper grass types to deliver a lush, verdant turf that’s resistant to drought. From Fescue to Kentucky Blue to Zoysia, there are plenty of excellent grasses that will work well in any Pennsylvania lawn.

Select Complementary Flora

A property that’s all grass and no additional vegetation tends to come off as sterile and unappealing. Augmenting the lawn with a tasteful smattering of trees and shrubs can work wonders in the aesthetics department. Furthermore, trees and shrubs can be good for the underlying soil if you choose them wisely. Whether you’re partial to crabapple trees, weeping willows or American holly, an eclectic array of trees and shrubs can easily spruce up any lawn.

Invest in Soil Health

Due to the mild climate, many erroneously assume that landscaping Pittsburgh lawns doesn’t require fertilizing. The fact of the matter is that if you want your lawn to look its best, periodically adding fertilizer to enrich the soil is a must. Just be aware that properly fertilizing a lawn can be tricky business. As such, it’s often wise to consult a landscaping professional for sound advice.

Aerate Your Lawn Regularly

Much like regular oil changes for your car, regular aeration is a maintenance must if you value your lawn’s health. While a thick, uniform layer of sod is a goal of most property owners, it can prevent air from reaching the underlying soil. This can ultimately impact the growth of various grasses as well as shrubs and trees if left unattended. Consequently, regular lawn aeration should be a priority for home and business owners.

Employ Modular Structural Features

No well-tended residential or commercial property would be complete without a bit of shaping in the form of retaining walls and terraces. However you choose to lay out your non-vegetative landscaping, it’s wise to use modular materials like fieldstone and synthetic blocks rather than poured concrete. This will give you greater flexibility during the installation process as well as in the future should you decide to modify existing walls.

Deferring to the Experts

Clearly, there’s more to landscaping Pittsburgh lawns than meets the eye. Dealing with all of the complications that come with proper landscaping is best accomplished by teaming up with a trusted firm like A & N Lawn Service. Based out of Pittsburgh, PA., they have the know-how and experience you need to build and maintain the landscaping of your dreams without breaking the bank.